I Care Pet Care

My service offers 24/7 Specialty Care for those that need more 1on1 TLC Experience:

♡ House-Sitting ~ Overnight Pet Care in your home with Misha, we will stay all day and all night. If Misha stays home, I will balance my time between walks, companionship during the day, and staying the night at your home with your pup.

♡ Day-Care  ~ Morning or Afternoon Care for those Pups needing a lil extra TLC when home alone. Play dates with Me & Misha and/or road trip adventures to dog parks for socialization or energy release. 

Available for you Furr-Folks who may need an extra hand with pup appointments.

♡ Drop-In Visits  ~ Seniors needing often potty breaks or assistance with daily routine tasks. Pups who may be in recovery from surgery or injury needing wound care. Medication taken on a daily, or treatments recommended by your veterinarian. 

Time - Sensitive Daily Medication 

Glucose Check - Insulin  

Subcutaneous Fluids

Wound Care